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Interpersonal Communication


Fee: $209

Communicating successfully depends on effective use of communication strategies and behaviors. Words, facial and body movements, tone of voice, even clothing and situation, all form an intricate symbol system that must be quickly translated by those who want to communicate. It has been said that there is no communication unless a mutual sharing of meaning takes place. It has also been said that one cannot NOT communicate. These two ideas seem to oppose one another, but they are two sides of the same coin. A smile can have many meanings, but so can silence. This course will show you how to manage the conscious and unconscious codes of meaning people send to each other and how to respond with appropriate codes in turn. You will explore concepts of verbal and nonverbal expression, including personal style, listening, relationship dynamics, self-esteem, conflict management, and cultural and gender communication differences.

This course is part of the following Certificate(s) and/or Course Series:



Class ID

Instructor-Moderated Start Dates


Enrol 24/7/365


Aug 14, 2024

6 Weeks Access / 24 Course Hour(s)

Asynchronous Online

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Sep 11, 2024

6 Weeks Access / 24 Course Hour(s)

Asynchronous Online

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Oct 16, 2024

6 Weeks Access / 24 Course Hour(s)

Asynchronous Online

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Class ID



Enrol 24/7/365


No instructor, start anytime.

3 Months Access / 24 Course Hour(s)

Access begins on day of registration.

Extensions not permitted.

Self-Guided Online

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Additional Online Professional Learning Course Information

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