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Asynchronous Online


Asynchronous OnlineFor Online Courses & Suites

  • Designed for students who prefer a structured learning pace with instructor guidance. Courses feature an instructor-moderated discussion board, so students can interact with the session cohort and ask questions to the instructor.
  • There are no live real-time requirements or meetings.
  • Lessons are released weekly and learners are welcome to access the course when convenient.
  • It is recommended that learners login at least two times per week to keep up with the course content. Interacting with an instructor in an Asynchronous Online course means instructors share their expertise and answer any questions via the online moderated discussion area.
  • Participants learn at their own pace, on their own time for the duration of the course.
  • Registration is still available for an Asynchronous Online course for a limited time after the start date.

Before you add the course to your cart on our online registration site, please note the hardware and software requirements for your course.

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