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Corporate Training


Your Training, Your Way

Staying competitive and achieving organizational success with well-trained staff is attainable. Our team of professional development experts, subject matter experts and course facilitators can design and deliver training solutions to meet your needs. Chinook offers customized training solutions to meet the needs of your organization and staff. Our team of professional development experts deliver practical training relevant for today’s marketplace.

Together, we will build a training solution customized to your needs and your budget. Chinook designs programs that qualify for funding from the Canada-Alberta Job Grant (CAJG). We pride ourselves in creating training that is responsive, innovative, and flexible, and achieves results. We can:

  • Deliver face-to-face training solutions
  • Bring the training to your workplace or employees can attend one of our scheduled courses at a discount
  • Customize the delivery format - workshops, seminars, or webinars
  • Train a few individuals or create a training solution for a large group

Training Areas

Leadership Coaching

Ask us about our one-to-one Leadership Coaching. Leadership has its challenges and sometimes you need guidance and a neutral sounding board to effectively navigate the changing leadership landscape.

Discounts for Groups

Register 4 employees together in a Professional Development course and the 5th registration is free! Some exceptions apply.

Get Started

Contact Franca Best for all your corporate training needs: