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Leadership Skills for Managers


Fee: $379

Want to learn the keys to getting people to perform better for you? Discover the difference between leading people and managing things, and how to acquire and accentuate the characteristics that make people want to follow you. Learn to communicate expectations, accountability and personal responsibility in a positive, friendly manner. Motivate your staff and handle difficult situations by developing relationships and trust with your team. See Course Outline. Read Course Reviews.

Recommended prerequisite: Supervisory Training.

Instructor: Drew Price - see Instructor Profile

This course is part of the following Certificate(s) and/or Course Series:


Class ID

Days, Times & Dates


Enrol 24/7/365


Wed & Thu
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Oct 23 & 24, 2024

Classroom Course
Delivered Virtually,

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Corporate Training

Chinook is the answer to your staff training needs. See Corporate Training.

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