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Drew Price


Drew Price Drew Price taught junior high school in Calgary for 10 years and then began working in training and education. In 1981, he founded his own company, Drew Price Seminars. Drew has taught internationally in 12 countries, including the U.S., Mexico, England, Europe, and the Middle East. Wherever he works, he gets consistently excellent evaluations and most of his business is repeat or referral.

Drew enjoys the informal style of teaching at Chinook with people who genuinely want to improve themselves. He appreciates that they are prepared to invest in themselves for self-improvement. One common observation made by the participants attending his classes is that the concepts and ideas they learn are not only valuable in the workplace, but equally valuable in their personal lives. “It is the whole person we work on, not just the corporate person, so when people get better, everything gets better.” He says that his mentor, American entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker and world-renowned business philosopher, Jim Rohn, instilled this attitude in him when he said, “In order for things to change, you have to change. In order for things to get better, you have to get better.”

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