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Records Management 2
Certificate of Recognition


Records and information management is affected by changes in regulations, technology, organizational needs and community needs. A good records and information manager needs to be armed with the latest skills and knowledge in best practices, regulated processes and cost efficiencies to support an organization and its stakeholders. In this educational next step in developing your Records Management career, take your records management skills to an advanced level. Explore and understand Policy and Procedures, Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, Taxonomies, Retention Schedules, Information Governance, Risk Management, Data Migration, and finally build your Leadership Skills. This certificate is recognized by the Calgary Chapter of ARMA (Association of Records Managers and Administrators).

Prerequisite: Records Management 1 Certificate of Recognition or minimum 3 years proven experience in the industry.

The program must be completed within one (1) year of initial registration. Extensions will be considered; requests for extension must be submitted in writing to

Passing Requirements

  • Assessment - pass is 60%
  • Projects & Assignments - pass is 60%
  • Attendance - 80% attendance required


Pay the $50 Records Management 2 Certificate Registration fee to maintain and track your progress in the Records Management 2 Certificate of Recognition. All course fees are specified individually. Please refer to each course. Participants are required to register in the Records Management 2 Certificate of Recognition program and pay a non-refundable $50 fee at the time of registration. This fee is waived for CBE Office Administration Certificate Program (OACP) registrants. If you are qualified to challenge any portion of this Certificate of Recognition, please direct your inquiries to


Records Management 2 Certificate of Recognition  
Records Management 2 Certificate of Recognition