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Effective Communication & Relationships


Fee: $489

Are you a deliberate communicator - someone who knows what to say and understands the impact of a message? Establishing and maintaining good workplace relationships requires skill and affects efficiency, productivity, career progression and well-being. This course is recommended for managers seeking the skills, tools and strategies needed to enhance prominence, influence and respectability within their organizations. See Course Outline. Read Course Reviews.

Instructor: David Gross - see Instructor Profile

This course is part of the following Certificate(s) and/or Course Series:


Class ID

Days, Times & Dates


Enrol 24/7/365


9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Oct 31, Nov 7 & 14, 2024

Lord Shaughnessy High School
2336 - 53 Avenue SW
Calgary, AB T3E 1L2

Register Now!


Corporate Training

Chinook is the answer to your staff training needs. See Corporate Training.

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