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Step 1 - Post-Secondary Application Process

Apply for “Undergraduate” Admission

step 1Go to Apply Alberta (external) to apply for undergraduate admission.

  • See Post-Secondary Application & Award Deadlines for direct links to local post-secondary institutions
  • You do not have to wait for your final marks to be available before applying. All institutes accept "self-reported grades" when you apply, as many students have not yet completed or are upgrading current marks.
  • Most institutes begin accepting applications as early as October 1 for the following September school year. Most institutes have a deadline of August 1 for final transcripts, making summer school courses ineligible for the selection criteria.
  • Check out your institute's Admissions website to confirm you have the required prerequisite courses for your chosen program. Some “high demand” programs may have additional selection criteria that include interviews, essays, alternate testing, etc. For post-secondary website information, see University & College Links.
  • Consider applying to more than one institute, in case you are not admitted to your first choice.
  • If required, supply the schools with a mid-term (or interim) mark.
  • To ensure that you receive important information from the institute, use an email and home address that will not change.

What's Next?

Step 2

Apply for Entrance Awards/Residence