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High Performance Organization


Fee: $229

A key ingredient to the longevity of a company, is the performance and implementation to function as a High-Performance Organization (HPO). A High Performance Organization doesn't evolve naturally it takes a proper foundation and resources. Any type of business from production to service based, would benefit from becoming an HPO. Benefits include increased profits, a high rate of success, and a desirable workplace. Competition is everywhere and may range from large and small organizations on a domestic and international level. An organization is better suited for long-term success if they build an initial foundation as a High Performance Organization. This course will provide you with the information needed to help your organization with its efforts to become a High Performance Organization (HPO). The lesson will begin by discussing the four principles of an HPO: Egalitarianism and Engagement, Shared Information and Trust, Knowledge Development and Performance Reward Linkage and how to link those principles with organizational activities to be an HPO to implementation of the principles. You'll also discuss leadership and how the organization's culture can help or hinder your efforts to become an HPO.

This course is part of the following Certificate(s) and/or Course Series:



Class ID

Instructor-Moderated Start Dates


Enrol 24/7/365


Aug 14, 2024

6 Weeks Access / 24 Course Hour(s)

Asynchronous Online

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Sep 11, 2024

6 Weeks Access / 24 Course Hour(s)

Asynchronous Online

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Oct 16, 2024

6 Weeks Access / 24 Course Hour(s)

Asynchronous Online

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Class ID



Enrol 24/7/365


No instructor, start anytime.

3 Months Access / 24 Course Hour(s)

Access begins on day of registration.

Extensions not permitted.

Self-Guided Online

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Additional Online Professional Learning Course Information

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Corporate Training

Chinook is the answer to your staff training needs. See Corporate Training.

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