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Designing Online Instruction


Fee: $265

Contact Hours: 16

Learn about the online instructional environment, envisioning your online course, developing a web course, phases of design and development, design guidelines, and more. Discover the principles behind the adoption of technology innovation and the nature of the online learning environment. Then get tips for planning your online course, identifying resources and design guidelines. Discuss the phases of design and development and models, motivating student-student interaction, and managing interaction. Get the latest information on copyright issues, assessment and evaluation. Your instructor is co-author of the book The Online Teaching Survival Guide, which you will receive in the mail with this course.

This course is part of the following Online Certificate(s):


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Enrol 24/7/365


Oct 7 - Nov 1, 2024

Asynchronous Online

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Corporate Training

Chinook is the answer to your staff training needs. See Corporate Training.

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