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Science of Leadership & Communication


Fee: $299

As companies increasingly turn to remote work and employees collaborate with dispersed teams, it is even more essential that leaders and managers receive the tools they need to strengthen communication, productivity and engagement. The most successful leaders are those with a deep understanding of themselves and an ability to adapt their approach to connect, communicate and collaborate more effectively with others, especially with remote workforces. There is real science behind how our brains are wired for thinking and behaving. Join us for a valuable, practical, unique and engaging online session exploring how you can be the most effective leader possible!

This course is part of the following Certificate(s) and/or Course Series:

In this session, be prepared to:

  • Enhance your self-awareness with insights into your strengths
  • Understand how our preferences impact work relationships and styles
  • Strengthen communication and collaboration
  • Improve outcomes using the power of cognitive diversity

Who should attend:

  • Leaders looking to develop a strong team through collaboration, trust & teamwork.
  • Consultants or trainers looking for a science-based tool that resonates with people & organizations.
  • HR professionals looking to expand their toolbox and acquire 3.5 CHRP Professional Development Hours.

The workshop fee provides:

  • Your unique digital Emergenetics Profile, narrative report and handouts ($170 value).
  • Access to Emergenetics+, a mobile app.

This course is a strong pre-cursor to the core courses in both the Core Leadership Development Certificate of Recognition and the Business Communication Certificate of Recognition.

See Course Outline. Read Course Reviews.

Instructor: Tara-Lee Goerlitz - see Instructor Profile


Class ID

Days, Times & Dates


Enrol 24/7/365


9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Dec 5, 2024

Classroom Course
Delivered Virtually,

Register Now!


Corporate Training

Chinook is the answer to your staff training needs. See Corporate Training.

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