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Tara-Lee Goerlitz


Tara-Lee Goerlitz Tara-Lee became certified as an Emergenetics provider in 2014 when it was first introduced in Canada and received her Advanced Certification in 2015. "I was looking to add a science-based assessment to my toolbox. Emergenetics immediately caught my attention and I haven’t looked back! I believe this assessment provides accurate and usable information in a way not presented by any other assessment on the market. Those interested in understanding how to leverage their personal strengths to be successful need to experience the Emergenetics tool and workshop!"

Tara-Lee’s workshops are unique, entertaining and engaging. She is intrigued by the field of neuroscience and learning how to best engage our brains for learning and development. Her strong intuition about people and innate ability to connect with and support them helps participants be their very best. Participants in her workshops said, "Emergenetics is the most accurate profile we have ever completed. The self-analysis is insightful and gives us a better approach to deal collaboratively and openly with others and to maximum our own and others’ strengths."

Tara-Lee received her Bachelor of Commerce degree at the University of Calgary and has worked in a variety of businesses, big and small, since 2002. She has provided consultation to a range of companies and uses Emergenetics as the foundation for her consulting work.