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Learning Support

Get Extra Help

At each of our locations, an advisor is available by appointment to meet with Chinook students individually or in small groups. These advisors provide support with the development of important learning skills and strategies as listed below. To make an appointment to get extra help, please contact the advisor at your location.

Cayley Young
Learning Leader
Student Advisor

At Lord Beaverbrook High School

Marcia Betcher
Learning Leader
Student Advisor

At Forest Lawn High School and James Fowler High School

Academic success can be achieved if you understand and improve your ability to learn new information. Learning consists of memorizing, organizing, analyzing and eventually, offering your own creative and critical thoughts. These life skills will transfer into any learning environment.

study skills Concentration Strategies

Train your wandering mind and improve your concentration in class:

Learning Styles

Identify your learning style and use it to your advantage when studying and writing tests:

Study Tips

Learn study strategies to improve your test performance, memory techniques, reading comprehension, etc.:

Test Anxiety

Assess your level of test anxiety and learn strategies to overcome them:

Time Management

Organize your work/life commitments around your school & study schedules.