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Django Training for Python Developers


Fee: $639

In this Django Training for Python developers course, you will use what you know of Python and apply it to build interactive websites with Django. While this course assumes you have no prior knowledge of Django, you will need to have experience working with Python. Through hands-on training, you'll discover how to work with the messages framework, allow users to upload files, make advanced queries, create view functions, work with Ajax, and implement pagination, ordering, and search. By the time you complete this course, you will fully understand how to customize Django admin and deploy a Django website into production. Learning Django will help you as a Python developer improve your skills and increase your career opportunities.


Class ID



Enrol 24/7/365


No instructor, start anytime.

6 Months Access / 84 Course Hour(s)

Access begins on day of registration.

Extensions not permitted.

Self-Guided Online

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