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Learn at Lunch


Workplace Grammar Series

The Workplace Grammar Learn at Lunch series promises to enhance your employees’ communication skills and avoid misunderstandings and costly errors. This 4-part series can be delivered at your work site over the lunch hour (or anytime of the day), once per week, month or quarter. Each topic is delivered over 75 minutes and includes learning materials, engaging activities and expert delivery. Join Helen Toews (see Instructor Profile), who is passionate about grammar, on a journey to improving your company image and your success!

Lunch Sessions Include:

  • Plurals & Possessives
  • Subjects & Verbs - Finding Agreement
  • Become a Pro at Pronouns
  • CAPs & Numb3rs

Successful organizations invest in supporting employee development. Learn at Lunch programs offer a non-threatening and fun method for extending learning and stimulating the energy and creativity in the workplace.

For More Information

To book your Learn at Lunch Workplace Grammar Series or for more information contact Franca Best by phone or email:

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