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Investing 101


Alberta Securities Commission Fee: $149 per person or $189 per couple

This course is developed and delivered in conjunction with the Alberta Securities Commission (ASC).  Investing can be a complicated and sometimes overwhelming process. The key is to understand the risks and to make an investment decision that makes sense for you. If you are an investor or are thinking about investing, this plain-language, non-promotional course provides you with an overview of investing. Gain basic knowledge to make a well-informed decision when you are presented with an investment opportunity. Topics include: an overview of the stock market, investing and compound interest, types of investments, financial planning and advisors, fees and charges, risk and return, tax considerations, investment scams, and protecting your money. See Course Outline. Read Course Reviews.

Instructor - Brooke Dean, CFP, RRC, TEP, CIM (see Instructor Profile)


Class ID

Days, Times & Dates


Enrol 24/7/365


8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Apr 26, 2025

Lord Shaughnessy High School
2336 - 53 Avenue SW
Calgary, AB T3E 1L2

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6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
May 13 & 20, 2025

Lord Shaughnessy High School
2336 - 53 Avenue SW
Calgary, AB T3E 1L2

Register Now!


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Chinook is the answer to your staff training needs. See Corporate Training.

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