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Influencing without Authority


Fee: $349

How many times have you been asked to affect change in your team or across the organization when you have no formal authority or power to make this happen? As a Change Agent, Project Manager, Supervisor, Team Lead, Executive Assistant or Department Manager you may be struggling to motivate others to listen to your thoughts, ideas, and opinions. We can all be in that position of informal leader, without the title or power to make decisions, but still needing to get things done. Most of us can successfully create a credible and coherent argument for what we plan to do. But have you noticed that being right is rarely enough to persuade someone? Analytical reasoning is merely a starting point for influencing team-members, stakeholders and project sponsors. Influencing can develop meaningful relationships, build trust and allow you to share your expertise to support growth for yourself and your career. Through discussion and role plays learn how to have influence within a workplace, even if you’re not the team lead or the CEO. See Course Outline.

Instructor: Mark Donovan, BA, MA, C.Med - see Instructor Profile


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Corporate Training

Chinook is the answer to your staff training needs. See Corporate Training.

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