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Business English Grammar


Fee: $399

Do you find it a challenge to write concise sentences? Do you find it difficult to keep pace with the increased workplace demand for competent English skills? Make use of practical exercises to reinforce grammar, word usage, conciseness, clarity, punctuation, spelling and dictionary study. Textbook included: Know More English. See Course Outline. Read Course Reviews.

Instructor: Helen Toews - see Instructor Profile

This course is part of the following Certificate(s) and/or Course Series:


Class ID

Days, Times & Dates


Enrol 24/7/365


Tue & Thu
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Oct 8, 10, 15 & 17, 2024

Lord Shaughnessy High School
2336 - 53 Avenue SW
Calgary, AB T3E 1L2

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Corporate Training

Chinook is the answer to your staff training needs. See Corporate Training.

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