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Summer School

Summer SchoolSummer 2024 | July 2 - 25, 2024

Welcome to Summer School! Good luck with your studies!

August 2024 Diploma Exams

Completing a diploma course requires writing a Diploma Exam, scheduled by Alberta Learning.

New - ONLY Social Studies 30-2 Part A and Part B Diploma Exams will be written at Lord Shaughnessy High School. All other August Diploma Exams, for in-person and online classes, will be written at Nelson Mandela High School.

Registration is Closed

Families who have submitted a Summer School course request through their high school counsellor or junior high school administrator will be notified by email the week of June 3 – 7, 2024 as to whether or not they have been enrolled. Ensure you are checking your junk/spam folder as well as your inbox for these notifications.

Go to Alberta Online Learning for online summer school options.

Online Summer School

CBe-learn is the Calgary Board of Education's online school and offers Summer School Courses at the high school level.