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Val Carter


Wilma Rubens Val’s experience in training and development spans the public, private and non-profit sectors. As a consultant and coach, she has partnered with clients from a variety of organizations and industries, with a key focus on personal and interpersonal skills for business results.

Communication skills are vital for success in any organization, and are one of Val’s specialties. She has facilitated courses for people working in a wide range of sectors from engineering, oil and gas and finance to health care and public service. Ensuring each learner leaves with clear ‘next steps’ at the end of each course, Val receives consistent acknowledgement for sessions that are logical, practical and full of easy-to-implement tips and techniques. She holds the Certified Training and Development Professional designation awarded by the Institute for Performance and Learning. She is also a Certified Human Resources Professional, has held volunteer executive positions in human resources organizations, and delivers courses in the University of Calgary’s HR Management Certificate Program.

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