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John Breeze


John Breeze John is a successful business owner. He grew his own Business Services franchise to become the #2 operation in Canada, with one of the lowest staff turnover rates and a reputation for exceptional customer service. Prior to this, he had a long and successful career as a leader in Manufacturing, Quality Management, Proposal Management and Technology Transfer. He understands how people and circumstances fit together, and how to inspire change when they don’t.

John understands the daily challenges and opportunities that organizations face. Creating and facilitating workplaces that honor the brilliance of everyone involved has always been a key element of his own leadership success. He knows how to empower people to embrace the organization’s vision with their own vision, and then provide work/business opportunities that contribute to that vision.

He holds an MBA and is an Associate Certified Coach, trained at the Coaches Training Institute [CTI]. He is also a graduate of the CTI Leadership Program and of the Arbinger Institute’s Choice in Coaching Program.

John trains and coaches leaders and creative business owners, locally and internationally, with a special interest in partnerships and collaborative relationships. He is active in the coaching community as a CTI Leadership Ambassador, a teacher, and a mentor.

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