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Jennifer Sanford


Jennifer SanfordJennifer Sanford is a writer, communicator, crisis manager, and facilitator. She helps organizations to strengthen their leadership, bolster their strategic planning, critical thinking, and collective strengths, grow their communications abilities, and improve resiliency and self-efficacy.

Jennifer is an elected member of the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress and holds an Accredited Business Continuity designation from the Disaster Recovery Institute. She uses her experience in emergency management to guide her work as one of Canada’s board-certified leadership coaches (BCC). She holds a Masters of Arts in Communication from Johns Hopkins University in Washington, DC and was one of the first Canadians to earn the Communications Management Professional (CMP) designation from the International Association of Business Communicators.

In addition to her consulting work, Jennifer can be found in college classrooms teaching the fundamentals of communication to a new generation of communicators.

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