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Dayna Duman


Dayna DumanDayna Duman has enjoyed a variety of roles in her first 18 years of her career as an educator. She has taught a range of age levels and subject areas. These experiences have supported Dayna in leadership roles at the school, area and system level within the Calgary Board of Education. She has also fulfilled the role of Professional Learning Director (South) for the ATA ESL Specialist Council. Dayna is passionate about supporting colleagues in the goal of ensuring that each and every learner receives an appropriate level of challenge across learning environments. In our ELL Certificate programs, Dayna supports colleagues in realizing the critical need and ways to actively include English language learners and advance their language skills across K-12 classroom settings.

In addition to drawing from her professional experiences, Dayna shares from the many lessons she learned through her own cultural and linguistic immersion experience. Participants in Dayna’s professional learning sessions can expect to connect with peers as they explore strategies to advance student learning. Dayna aims to ensure her classes offer a great deal of laughter and learning!

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