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David Saxby


David SaxbyDavid Saxby is a professional speaker, consultant, business coach and sales and marketing strategist. He has gained a reputation as a catalyst to breakthrough strategies for clients across the globe.

For over 35 years, David has been delivering keynote presentations, seminars and workshops to business people, ranging from home-based entrepreneurs to Fortune 500 companies and not-for-profits. David delivers training that is experiential and practical. His sales strategies are readily adopted by participants and always become part of their everyday sales protocol and success. David’s sales expertise has helped turn sales professionals from under-performers to leading the sales team.

David is President and Creative Director of Spark Communications Inc. and the Chair of the Calgary Chapter of Global Leaders Organization, an international forum for CEOs. He is past Chair of the Calgary’s Small Business Week, past President of the Calgary Chapter and past National Director of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers. He is the author of four books: Customer Service Goldmine, Sales Gurus Speak Out, Quantum Success and Foundational Success. His book, titled Ignite Innovative Sales and Marketing Strategies, will be released in Fall 2020.

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