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Carolyn Malcolm


Carolyn MalcolmOver 20 years ago, Carolyn Malcolm decided to take a break from working as an Occupational Therapist and spent time volunteering at her children's school. It was there that she spotted a notice recruiting staff for a braille transcription course taught by two CBE teachers. Six months after completing the course, one of the teachers called Carolyn to ask if she would be interested in working as a Braille Assistant with the CBE. When that same teacher retired from teaching the braille course, Carolyn was asked to take her place. In 2011, Carolyn became the sole instructor of the course when it went online with Chinook Learning Services. She provides a lot of support to help her students be successful with this very demanding course.

Carolyn is a CNIB Certified Braille Transcriber for three Braille Codes: Literary (EBAE or English Braille American Edition), Nemeth Code for Math and Science, and Unified English Braille (UEB). She has presented many workshops on using the Duxbury Braille Transcription Software and using CorelDraw for tactile diagrams. Carolyn is also a Certified Perkins Brailler (classic) Repair Technician, having trained at the Perkins School for the Blind.

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