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Carla Belanger


Carla Belanger Carla Belanger has embraced a variety of roles in her career as an educator. She worked as a high school English teacher and was both an editor and consultant for a variety of educational publishing companies in Canada. Since 2006, she has been an ELL teacher for adults and teens. Currently, she is the ELL Learning Leader and ELL Guidance at James Fowler High School in addition to her long standing role as the lead teacher in the LEAD program. She strives to be a leader who listens and leads with heart.

Carla's passion is working with refugee teenagers and supporting their wellbeing by developing their feelings of safety and belonging in the Canadian school setting. She enjoys developing curriculum materials and supporting mainstream teachers in their pursuit of ELL best practices. Participants in Carla's professional learning sessions can expect to draw upon their own personal experiences to enhance their learning. Carla aims to ensure her classes offer a great deal of fun and meaningful engagement.

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