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Annette Stanwick


Annette Stanwick Annette brings an extensive background in public speaking. Over the years, she has spoken to thousands globally, across Canada, the US and Africa.

As a speaker, author, facilitator and coach with decades of experience as a health care executive, her speaking has inspired professional associations, leaders, university students, women’s groups, men, faith groups, business groups, community organizations, prison inmates and those in recovery from addiction.

As a coach, Annette helps individuals rise above those difficult things that hold them back from living their very best life. In addition, she enjoys coaching speakers and authors in enhancing their message and presentation skills.

As a member of Canadian Association of Professional Speakers (CAPS), Annette served on a team of professional speakers organizing and facilitating the CAPS Fast Track Program for Emerging Speakers.

She loves the classroom experience of teaching, role modelling and mentoring students in developing their own voice and speaking skills. Her ability to give gentle yet meaningful feedback helps students feel more confident in expressing themselves in class each week in preparing them to speak in their own unique settings.

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