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Technology to Enhance Learning 1


Fee: $369

Technology can provide students with many different ways to learn. It’s important that adults who support students’ learning have an understanding of the technology that is available in Calgary schools. While there are 100’s of tools available to support learning, there is a core suite of tools that can provide students with a wide variety of options when demonstrating what they know. In this 4-week, in-person course, participants will have hands-on opportunities to play with a variety of software and tools that will help support students in the classroom. Join Steve on this journey as he guides and supports everyone in accessing and using the tools – even if it is for the first time.

We will cover the following tools over the 4 weeks:

  1. Google Classroom/D2L
  2. Google Docs and Slides
  3. Lumio by SMART
  4. Read&Write for Google Chrome

Participants are welcome to bring their own device with an up to date operating system but it’s not required. The classes take place in a PC Lab. The first three weeks focus on tools that are web-based.

Participants will access them on a PC, Mac, Chromebook or iPad. In week four, Read&Write for Google Chrome can be accessed on all devices except an iPad.

Who Should Attend?

This course targets a beginner level of understanding when using technology as a learning tool. However, all levels of ability are welcome and will be supported. The course is suited to all support staff and teachers who work with students.

Instructor: Steve Clark - see Instructor Profile


Class ID

Days, Times & Dates


Enrol 24/7/365






Calgary Board of Education Employee Funding

Funding may be available to CBE employees through the Staff Association Staff Development Fund or the ATA Staff Development Fund. Further information regarding how to apply for professional development funding can be accessed on the CBE Staff Association (external website) or the Alberta Teacher Association (external website).

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