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Project Management 2


Fee: $495

This 2-day course will help you round out your Project Management knowledge and skills by exploring project constraints, identifying project risk, examining risk triggers and developing risk responses. Learn about integrated change control and how to apply your learnings quickly and efficiently to your current projects. Learn about Earned Value Management (EVM), a trending tool in project management monitoring and control. Explore the theory behind EVM and complete hands-on exercises, which can be included as experience on your resume. Explore and put into practice product and project quality requirements of the project stakeholder. See Course Outline.

Chinook Learning Services recommends this course if you wish to pursue the PMI Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM™) designation. Please bring PMBOK® Guide (6th edition) to class.

Required Prerequisite: Project Management 1

This course is part of the following Certificate(s) and/or Course Series:


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