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Brain & Behaviour: Building Positive Supports


Fee: $559

Recent research has helped us develop a better understanding of human behaviours based on early childhood experiences and the potential impact on brain development. This course presents an introductory and basic look at the developing brain, the effects of chronic stress, the Adverse Childhood Experiences study, and how these relate to working with children in a classroom setting. How we respond when children are acting out plays an important role in their further development. Learn about preliminary strategies for providing safe, dignified supports which create the conditions for student learning and success. This course is designed to inform the practice of people working in educational environments. See Course Outline.


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Enrol 24/7/365






Calgary Board of Education Employee Funding

Funding may be available to CBE employees through the Staff Association Staff Development Fund or the ATA Staff Development Fund. Further information regarding how to apply for professional development funding can be accessed on the CBE Staff Association (external website) or the Alberta Teacher Association (external website).

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